We’ve all heard it a million times, times are tough right now. Unfortunately many of us aren’t in the position to donate as much as we would like to or as often as we’d like to. We have some good news for you, there is a way you can donate to Blistered Whiskers without spending any extra money out of your pocket!
Blistered Whiskers has teamed up with www.igive.com, which is a site that donates a percentage of each of your online purchases to Blistered Whiskers. It’s free for you, free for us, and you pay the same (or less). The service requires you to sign up once, but after that there is nothing further you need to do.
Here’s how it works:
· You sign up and install the toolbar (directions listed below) on your computer.
· Igive.com works with over 830 stores, like Amazon.com, Home Shopping Network, Overstock.com, PetSmart.com, Expedia.com, Nordstrom.com, etc. that donate different percentages of your total purchase to Blistered Whiskers.
· You can still use any coupons or promo codes that you have; installing this toolbar has absolutely no effect on your shopping experience. In fact, igive.com has a list of all current coupon codes for its stores (like free shipping, etc.).
· Every time you purchase something online, a percentage goes to Blistered Whiskers.
· Just by having a few volunteers use this, Blistered Whiskers has received an extra $150.03 in 2010 so far. With the busiest shopping season of the year coming up, imagine how much we can raise before 2011!
· The best part is, if you buy something within 45 days of signing up for Igive, Blistered Whiskers gets a $5 bonus!
How to get started:
· Go to www.igive.com and type “Blistered Whiskers” in the box titled “keyword search,” select Blistered Whiskers
· Sign up and register
· Go to isearch.igive.com/toolbar.cfm and download the toolbar (this part is important!)
· After downloading, make sure the toolbar says “Donation Tracking Enabled”
And that’s it! This service works for anyone, anywhere, so pass the directions along to your friends and family. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. The kitties greatly appreciate it!