What to do with street kittens that do not meet the minimum weight requirements for sterilization?
Although existing animal welfare agencies had established relationships to manage the local street cat population in a humane manner through AzCATs ”Trap, Neuter, Return” (TNR) program, there was not an effective process for dealing with un-weaned, street kittens. Stray litters that were orphaned by abandonment, a deceased stray mother, or well-intentioned TNR of nursing mothers, were often left behind to die in the wild or to become the next generation of procreating street cats. If captured, these defenseless animals were typically labeled "non-returnable/non-adoptable" and then euthanized.
Blistered Whiskers founder and CEO, Maggi Castagna, made the decision to create an organization focused on teh special needs of young street kittens. Hence Blistered Whiskers was established and by collaborating with other animal welfare organizations for capture, health care, neutering and adoptive placment. Blistered Whiskers provides an interim foster care service that ensures a safe environment for street kittens and nursing street mothers in Maricopa County.